Experience the very best concerts by the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra filmed live at Liverpool Philharmonic Hall from the comfort of your home.
Struggling with your browser? Wondering how long you’ll have to watch a show? Or just want to know more about how it works? We’ve put together some FAQs that will hopefully help you have a smooth online streaming experience.
And thank you. By watching a concert through Royal Liverpool Philharmonic On Demand, you’re helping to support our musicians’ work.
If you’re unable to join us for our live concerts, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra on Demand brings the magic of live music to your living room with an innovative online experience.
Yes, our On Demand concerts will be available to people outside the UK who can view our website.
Worldwide, Internet Service Providers or some other body deems what is appropriate content to be viewed in your country. If you can’t access the site or concert due to this, this is an issue you’ll need to take up with your ISP company. We’re sorry you cannot watch our concerts, but we thank you for wanting to support us.
All internet browsers will work except for Internet Explorer (Microsoft are discontinuing it and it doesn’t support the technology needed for Video On Demand to work!).
Click the ‘Buy and Watch’ button as you would for any of our other concerts and choose ‘1 ticket’ (there is a 1 ticket limit per household.) Once you have gone through the payment journey, you’ll be taken back to the concert page with the video, all ready for you to play.
If you are still experiencing any payment issues, please email boxoffice@liverpoolphil.com, or phone one of our team members on 0151 709 3789 (hours are open between 9.30am – 5.30pm.) Tell us which concert you’re trying to buy, any error message you have received and we will be in touch as soon as we can to try and help you. Thank you for your kindness and patience.
To buy and watch a concert on Royal Liverpool Philharmonic On Demand, you need to have an account on our website. Click here to set one up, clicking ‘New Customer? Register now’: https://www.liverpoolphil.com/MyAccount . Once you have logged in and paid for your online concert, you’ll need to go back to the event page where you can click 'Watch' to start watching.
The videos will be hosted on our website, so as long as you have a smart TV with access to the internet on it, you’ll be able to watch our on demand videos!
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic On Demand will only show pre-recorded concerts that have been filmed live in our Hall a week or so before.
Each concert will be preceded by a live preconcert talk on Zoom with BBC Radio 3 broadcaster and author Stephen Johnson, and a post-concert live q and a session with musicians, conductors and composers, where you can ask questions and participate.
We’ll send you a Zoom link a few days prior to the broadcast date. Just click on this link at 7pm to watch the preconcert talk and click on the same link to join the Zoom post-concert Q an A session with our musicians. In between you can watch the concert video along with the rest of the audience joining us for the Zooms!
For more information about how to use Zoom, please visit their website: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials
You need an account on our website to watch our on-demand services. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking ‘forgotten password’ underneath the login section.
It also might take up to a minute for the 'Watch' button to appear after you've logged into your account so please wait until it appears.
We recommend a sustained broadband internet connection of at least 5Mbps for the video to play without buffering. You can test your internet speed here.
Once you have purchased your performance you can watch in whenever you like, however each video will be taken down 30 days after the date of initial broadcast. You can stop, rewind, fast forward and re-watch as many times as you like.
To watch our concerts, you need a constant internet connection. Our films are streamed via the internet, not downloaded to your device.
Please ensure your cookies are enabled when trying to watch one of our concerts. This means you can register an account, stay logged in as you browse away and have access to the video as soon as you pay without any errors or issues.
Our On Demands happen once a month, normally on a Tuesday evening.
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to check through our FAQ’s to see if you could resolve your issues.
It also might take up to a minute for the 'Watch' button to appear after you've logged into your account so please wait until it appears.
If you’re still having issues logging on and watching our concerts, please email our Marketing department at marketing@liverpoolphil.com.