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  • Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

    The Senior Orchestra and Senior Choir of St Edward's College Liverpool unite with the Liverpool Mozart Orchestra, the Liverpool Me...

  • Music Room

    Christine Collister & Dave Kelly

    Drawing from their mutual love of classic rock, pop, country, jazz and blues, Christine and Dave dive head long and full throttle...

  • Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

    The Eternal Shame of Sue Perkins

    Age guidance: 16+ You may know her as Bake-Off Sue, Taskmaster Sue, Just A Minute Sue, or the Sue that gives you travel envy - bu...

  • Liverpool Philharmonic Hall


    Jen Brister

    Age Guidance: 18+ Includes strong language Jen Brister is Reactive - or so she's been told. Apparently you don't have to respond to every little thing around y...

  • Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

    The Amy Winehouse Band

    With members of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra THE AMY WINEHOUSE BAND - Amy's original band led by her long-term Musical Director/bass player and c...

  • The Liverpool Shanty Choir

    Music Room

    The Liverpool Shanty Choir comprises a group of ship mates berthed at Liverpool John Moores University singing a cappella sea ballads and traditional work songs...
