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Liverpool Philharmonic has updated its cookie policy. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This includes cookies from third party social media websites. Such third party cookies may track your use on our website. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time.

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You can find details of our musicians here.

Board of Trustees
Louise Shepherd CBE (Chair) - Regional Director, NHS England North West Region
Stephen Gregory (Deputy Chair) - Former Partner, Ernst & Young
Sameeta Gahir - Piccolo, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
Bryan Johnson - Head of Artist & Industry Partnerships International, Spotify
Camilla Mankabady - Communications Director, Liverpool City Council
Olga Smolen - 2nd Violin, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
Jernice Easthope - Freelance TV Producer
Tom Lewis - Co-President, Decca Records
David Lloyd - Former Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young
Michael Eakin OBE - Chief Executive, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic

Chief Executive's Department
Michael Eakin Chief Executive
Emma Breuilly HR Manager
Tessa Lukkien HR and Executive Assistant

Finance and IT
Stephan Heaton Executive Director (Finance)
Bill Woosey Financial Accountant
Michelle Flynn Management Accountant​​​​​​​   
​​​​​​​Joanne Stobbart Accounts Assistant       
Paul Murphy Accounts Assistant                                                                                                  

Alan McLeod Facilities Manager 
Steve Bragger † Building and Maintenance Manager
Hector Williams Premises Officer
Peter Johnson Building Maintenance Operative
Cameron Simon Maintenance Operative 
Raymond Hughes Facilities Assistant

Artistic Direction
Sandra Parr † Artistic Planning Director (Orchestra and Ensembles)
Katy Wakeford-Brown Artistic Planning and Digital Programme Manager
Louise Madden Choral Manager
Sian Waller Operations and Special Projects Manager
Rosemary Barton Artistic Planning Officer
Lydia Heyes Artist Liaison Assistant

Richard Haswell Head of Programme (Hall and Events)
Miles Etchells Programme Manager
Adam Ghidouche Creative Programming Officer
Moira Hall Hall and Events Administrator
Sophie Dand Events Assistant

Performance and Learning
Peter Garden Executive Director (Performance and Learning)

Orchestra Management 
Julian Munro Orchestra Manager
Alexandra Swift Deputy Orchestra Manager
Ffion Edwards Orchestra Coordinator
Conor Prescott Assistant Platform Manager
Adam Webster Music Librarian
Cameron McGregor Assistant Music Librarian

Zoë Armfield Head of Learning
Jordan Armstrong Youth Company Producer
Nicola Hopson Learning Projects Manager
Nikita Robinson Learning Officer
Ellis Fryer Learning Project Coordinator

Annabelle Lee Learning Projects Coordinator

Joe Lyman Learning Projects Coordinator
Kirsty Porter Learning Projects Coordinator
John Connolly In Harmony Liverpool Artistic Director
Nadeen Kemp In Harmony Liverpool Producer
Sophie Turner Youth Operations Manager
Alexandra Dunn In Harmony Liverpool Deputy Artistic Director
Sally Anne Anderson In Harmony Liverpool Lead Musician
Alice Braithwaite In Harmony Liverpool Musician (Maternity Cover)
Jenny Key In Harmony Liverpool Musician 
Matthew Thompson In Harmony Musician
Jonathan Hering In Harmony Liverpool SEN Teaching Assistant
Megan Thompson In Harmony Liverpool Lead Musician 
Ria Nolan In Harmony Liverpool Musician

Emma Carey Head of Production and Technical Services
Chris Tann Recording Manager
Ian McCreadie Technical Manager
Luke Hamilton Production Technician
Ellen McGovern Production Technician
Aaron Wilson Production Technician
Millie McKenzie Production Technician
Mathew Colfar Production Technician
Olly Bloor Production Technician

Sam Bailey 
Technical Staff
Patrick Coyle Technical Staff
Anna Culkin Technical Staff
Matthew Fairrie Technical Staff
Alexander France Technical Staff
Tin Frleta Technical Staff
Jake Gore Technical Staff
Rowan Gorst-Gaudie Technical Staff
Jonathon Hamer Technical Staff
Sam Hepworth Technical Staff
Alex Hewitt Technical Staff
Max Holden Technical Staff
Per Jakobsen Technical Staff
Clementine Jones Technical Staff
Faye Larty Technical Staff
Kathryn Lea-Wilson Technical Staff
Anthony Leigh Technical Staff
Elizabeth Lumen Technical Staff
Lucy Marsh Technical Staff
Alex Marshall Technical Staff
Owen Martin Technical Staff
Joe Miri Technical Staff
Dominic Moreno Technical Staff
Grady Renshaw Technical Staff
Benjamin Riley Technical Staff
Jonah Rogers Technical Staff
Tyla Roxburgh Technical Staff
William Shacklady Technical Staff
Lloyd Smith Technical Staff
William Sutcliffe Technical Staff
Jessica Thomas Technical Staff
Rachael Foster Technical Staff
Samuel Smee Technical Staff
Libby Foster Technical Staff
Emily Rose Clark Technical Staff

Food and Beverage

Danielle Youds Head of Food and Beverage
Lucy Jones Food and Beverage Manager
Natalie Dando Food and Beverage Duty Manager
Stephanie Roberts Food and Beverage Duty Manager
Rhiannon Wain Food & Beverage Duty Manager
Tim Hughes Food and Beverage Duty Manager

Harry Alexander Bar Person
Jacob Armstrong Bar Person
Isobel Bardsley Bar Person
Alana Bennett Bar Person
Geraldine Bennett Bar Person
Charlotte Bett Bar Person
Megan Carthew Bar Person
Molly Ellen Clarke Bar Person
Laurence Cotton Bar Person
Chelsea Dew Bar Person
Leo Dunn Bar Person
Nanci Farley Bar Person
Joseph Fay Bar Person
Emillie Foster Bar Person
Remy Garvey Bar Person

Leah Gould Bar Person
Rory Gillan Bar Person
Joe Greenwood Bar Person
Lauren Howe Bar Person
Meg Howe Bar Person
Natalie Holden Bar Person
Rob Kearley Bar Person
Abigail Kennedy Bar Person
Abby Livingstone Bar Person
Will Maiden Bar Person
Michael Maloney Bar Person
Jack Mather Bar Person
Keaton Marsh Bar Person
Amy O'Rouke Bar Person
James Platt Bar Person
Lydia Potter Bar Person
Andrew Potter-Jones Bar Person
Sam Roberts Bar Person
Indianna Salinas Bar Person
Sophia Sampson Bar Person
Ciaran Seddon Bar Person
Ashleigh Sumner Bar Person
Joe Spence Bar Person
Charlie Telfer Bar Person
Jessica Thomas Bar Person
Hanh Tran Bar Person
Alfie Vesey Bar Person
Grace Williams Bar Person

Visitor Experience
James Seddon Head of Visitor Experience
Eilidh Browne Visitor Experience Manager
Helen Kerr Event Manager
Connor Moore Event Manager
Helen O’Sullivan Event Manager
Adam Pringle Event Manager 
Zee Jones Event Manager
Aimee Kelly Event Manager                                                                                                                                                                                         

Carol Bullen Stage Door Receptionist
Jackie Mogan Stage Door Receptionist
Rachel Salmon Stage Door Receptionist
Joseph Winder Stage Door Receptionist
Libby Foster Stage Door Receptionist
Barney Weightman Stage Door Receptionist
Grant Lenton Stage Door Receptionist
Abigail Billington Stage Door Receptionist

Connor Barlow Steward
Sarah Bell Steward
Abigail Billington Steward
Will Bryce Steward
Tom Curtis Steward
Emily Chapple Steward 
Beth Clarke Steward
Hannah Clarke Steward
Lisa Edmanson Steward
Leah Gould Steward
Elizabeth Hann Steward

Laura Hawes Steward
David Humphreys Steward
Halima Jonas Steward
Peter King Steward
Grant Lenton Steward
Phoebe Lovstrom Steward
Thomas McIntyre Steward
Angela Owen Steward
Dean Rowlands Steward
Bret Smith Steward
Laura Spallen Steward
Claire Speed Steward
Rebecca Stocks Steward
Nicholas Turner Steward
Abbie Williams Steward
Aidan Maj Steward
Alex McDowall Steward
Isabella Pakpahan Steward
Andrea Perkins Steward
Annemarie Youds Steward
Barney Weightman Steward
Daniel McCreanor Steward
Graham Smillie Steward
Hervey Bracken Steward
Joseph Winder Steward
Kevin Heffey Steward
Libby Foster Steward
Elizabeth Paes Steward
Nieve Mannion Steward
Jack Birkett Steward
Ruby Shrimpton Steward
Lucy Goulding Steward
John Lippitt Steward
Jane Stenhouse Steward
Del Derrick Steward
Ed Virgo Steward
Helen Croft Steward
Rachael Pirie Steward
Joshua Williams Steward
Kevin Lloyd Williams Steward
Mohan Welstand-Keryk Steward
Alex Walker Steward
Rosie Wilkinson Steward
Daniel Cashen Steward
Emma Greaney Steward
Ryan Lawless Steward
Zachary Holzberg Steward
Dan Schoolar Steward

Audiences and Development

Suzie Banks Head of Marketing
Jessica Strawson Head of Communications and External Affairs
Megan McGurk Social Media Manager
Elizabeth Heague Marketing Manager / LEAP into Live Music 
Abi Collins ​​​​​​​Marketing Manager 
Chris Bennett-Hulme † Marketing Officer
Lauren McKiernan Graphic Designer   
Katya Parkes Marketing Editor
Emily Head Marketing Assistant 

Charlie Taylor Head of Philanthropy
Celia Makin-Bell Head of Trusts and Foundations
Gemma Lynch Individual and Corporate Giving Manager
Kitty Rae Stakeholder Event Manager
Robyn Letman Partnership and Events Officer
Laura Connelly Development Assistant

Box Office
Ronan McClafferty † Head of Systems
Jamey Wood † Box Office Manager
Cal Cairns Assistant Box Office Manager
Alex Beechey Box Office Supervisor

Carol Parr Box Office Assistant
Jane Richardson Box Office Assistant
Lucy Quine Box Office Assistant
Fabienne Thornton Box Office Assistant
Nicola Evans Box Office Assistant
Graham Smillie Box Office Assistant

Liverpool Philharmonic in Barrow 
Isobel Mortimer Learning Officer 

† denotes Honorary Life Member of the Society

Cookies on our website

Liverpool Philharmonic has updated its cookie policy. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This includes cookies from third party social media websites. Such third party cookies may track your use on our website. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time.