Cormac Henry (Section Leader)
Adopted by Gill Porter
Helen Wilson
Adopted by Howard & Sue Rogers
Sameeta Gahir
Adopted by Steph & Mike Griffith in memory of Eileen Lee
Helena Mackie (Section Leader)
Adopted by Howard and Sue Rogers
Ruth Davies †
Adopted by Maestro! Touring and in memory of Mary Riddoch
Cor Anglais
Drake Gritton
Adopted by Mary Kennan
Section Leader Clarinet
Principal Second Clarinet
Emma Burgess
Adopted by Mr WJ & Mrs CJ Bowley, and an anonymous patron
Bass Clarinet
Ausiàs Garriogós-Morant
Adopted by Robin Bloxsidge and Nick Riddle
Rebekah Abramski
Adopted by Bryan Lecky
Gareth Twigg
Adopted by Susie and Roger Greenwood
† denotes Honorary Life Member of the Society