Adam Possener: And there is nothing new beneath the sun, commissioned by the Royal Philharmonic Society and Duet Foundation (world premiere)
James Wishart: 23 Songs for a Mad Woman
HK Gruber: Frankenstein!!
Clark Rundell: conductor
Louise Ashcroft: voice
Boudewijn Ruigrok: chansonnier
‘Dear mama and dear papa, baby vampire’s biting me!’ Batman and Robin are eating breakfast, Superman’s lost his pants: yes, you’re listening to HK Gruber’s Frankenstein!! And if you think the words sound crazy, just wait till you hear the music! Premiered here in Liverpool 40 years ago this month, it’s a modern classic that just won’t sit down and behave – so Ensemble 10/10 has paired it with James Wishart’s equally unhinged 23 Songs for a Mad Woman, sung by the extraordinary Louise Ashcroft, who gave their world premiere in 2006. They will also be performing a premiere from Adam Possener –winner of the RPS-Duet Prize for Young Composers. Bring a sense of humour!
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