We are seeking an new Trustee for our Board
We are looking for an outstanding person to join the Board of Royal Liverpool Philharmonic as a non-Executive Trustee.
Ideal candidates for the role of Trustee will bring a strong and visible passion for music and its ability to change lives, alongside a commitment to Liverpool Philharmonic’s values and culture of inclusivity and widening access. The Trustees will play a critical role in the future of Liverpool Philharmonic, providing contribution and constructive challenge and supporting the Executive Team in determining future strategic objectives. Candidates will be able to contribute at Board level with confidence and credibility, bringing specific perspectives and expertise to ensure the strong governance of the organisation. Strong inter-personal, networking and relationship building abilities will be important. Again, a connection to the region is desired.
Applications will then be considered by a Board sub-group, for final decision and approval by the Board in December.
Liverpool Philharmonic is actively seeking to ensure a Board which is diverse in relation to gender, ethnicity and disability. We particularly encourage applications from Black Asian, and minority ethnic; and disabled candidates.
If you are interested, please contact Tessa Lukkien on tessa.lukkien@liverpoolphil.com with a brief CV and note on what you think you would offer the Board. If you have any queries before submitting this, please email Tessa or phone her on 0161 210 2895.